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Pengelolaan Data Center : Bagaimana melakukan sirkulasi udara panas & dingin ?

Data Center Managers:
Slash Energy Costs with Better Air Flow Dynamics!
  • Increase capacity in your data center with lower, more stable temperatures.
  • Save energy! AirBlock™ data center curtains and partitions save energy on air conditioning by as much as 15% and up to 67% on fans. Protect your mission critical operations.
  • Maximize airflow dynamics and increase the effectiveness of your hot aisle/cold aisle isolation.
  • Simplex’s complete line of AirBlock™ data center curtains, modular partitions, ceilings, strip doors and mountings offers solutions for any data center configuration.
  • Available materials include FlexSim FR. Only available from Simplex, this domestically-made clear vinyl is the first to pass ASTM smoke and flame tests, and formulated to meet U.S. and European requirements for an environmentally friendly PVC
  • Hardware is designed for easy assembly, modular construction and fire safety so that curtains fall away in the case of a fire, allowing sprinklers full operating range.
  • Check with your regional electrical utility about energy-saving rebates that can help offset the cost of your system.
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